Hathair’s Story
I understand hair loss, from my own breast cancer journey.
HatHair’s story started in 2004.
Breast cancer diagnosis, ops, chemo treatment, hair loss. Not to mention the shock, trauma and stress that came with all of these things. While trying to navigate these challenges and manage my work and family life, I needed to find a hair option that helped me continue with some sort of ‘normality’.
There were not a lot of options on offer – I needed a wig but I found it heavy, hot and itchy and scarves and turbans were personally not my style.
So, my late mum came to my rescue by creating for me a detachable interchangeable hat and hair piece combo. I wore them from the time I woke up, until I went to bed.
Kim with daughters Briar and Brooke
This hat and hair combo helped reduce my anxiety, enabled me to feel more like myself and it was one less thing to be concerned about.
It was important for my self-esteem to look and feel as normal as possible as “nothing was normal right now”.
In 2021, and in honour of my late and very amazing Mum, HatHair was created.
HatHair combos are made with love, so if you choose to wear a HatHair piece, I hope you find the experience a pleasurable one that lightens the journey a little, as it did for me.
Take care,
Kim xo
In memory of mum